- Remove "Scrolling" option and render all Mediabox popups in the "Fixed" position.
- Add load event fallback for an edge case where some media types loaded using the
tag fail to trigger load events.
- Added a Click to Expand parameter option to enable / disable click to expand functionality on resized images.
- Added a delay option - set with a data-media-delay attribute - to delay opening of autopops by x seconds, eg:
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassiopeia_(mother_of_Andromeda)" type="iframe" class="jcepopup autopopup-multiple" data-mediabox="1" data-mediabox-width="800" data-mediabox-height="600" data-mediabox-title="Cassiopeia" data-mediabox-caption="Mother of Andromeda" data-mediabox-delay="10">Cassiopeia</a>
- The option to expand an image to fullscreen will only be available - indicated by a zoom cursor on the image - if the image's natural width / height is greater than the displayed width / height
- PDF files are once again embedded and displayed using the
- Updated focus styling on focusable elements, eg: buttons and content.
- Images will now float correctly if the image widdth is a percentage value.
- Fix image sizing and scrolling when expanding a popup image to its full size on click.
- Loading a PDF popup in Safari only intermittently shows the PDF.
- Revert to using
tags instead of <object>
tags for pdf documents
- Restrict pdf popups on iOS (iPhone and iPad). Android will display a "View File" prompt in the popup, but is unable to show the pdf.
- Fix iPadOS detection primarily to disable pdf popups on mobile devices.
- Create zoom icon for pdf links even if popup is disabled on Mobile devices.
- Fix close "x" in Light theme.
- Fix close "x" in Shadow theme.
- CSS errors resulting in missing popup features, eg: next previous, close, pagination numbers etc.
- Remove menuitemcheckboxes and use menuitem with groupedlist-fancy-select in Joomla 4
- Move assets to media/plg_system_jcemediabox folder
- Improve support for Joomla 5.
- Fix PHP Errors in Joomla 3 when editing parameters.
- PHP Error in Joomla 3.x when editing Mediabox parameters.
- Missing Assign to Menu and Exclude from Menu parameter fields.
- Images that have been displayed smaller than the original size can now be explanded to full size (relative to the window size) by clicking on them.
- Setting an Assign to Menu to Exclude from Menu option in the MediaBox parameters is now done with a checkbox in a nested menu item list.
- Converted legacy Joomla class names to namespaced format
- Adding a data-mediabox-skipfocus="1" attribute to a popup link will prevent activator re-focus on mediabox close.
- Use version number for asset hash
- Incorrect calculation of mediabox width on some mobile device portrait orientations.
- Don't show zoom icon on tags
- Processing legacy parameters in some popups would prodice an error.
- Width and height values passed in as parameters on a custom popup would not be used.
- Only add custom triggered popups (using jcepopup.open) to the global popups list on the first click!
- Add custom triggered popups (using jcepopup.open) to the global popups list.
- Update Youtube and Vimeo processing
- Improve portrait sizing on mobile devices when the Mediabox uses a long caption
- PDF files were not displaying at an optimal size in Chromium browsers
- Add the popup src value to a data-mediabox-src attribute on the mediabox body container for css selection.
- Extract the tooltip position if any from legacy tooltips.
- Added default tooltip styles from Bootstrap 2.3
- Popup links are now removed in the Joomla "print" layout, so they are not displayed in the printed document.
- Removed data-mediabox-src attribute previously added as a selector option to the popup body.
- Add class name passed in by optional data-mediabox-css attribute to the popup body.
- Restrict the selection of potential popups to the
and <area>
- Ajax popups reload continuously if triggered as an auto-popup
- Hide the temp iframe used to load ajax content while the popup is loading
- Center-aligned images within the popup link would display incorrectly in some instances
- Fix error with processing uri data from an iframe url, which was causing the temporary iframe to display in local content popups.
- Trim popup max-width when the popup height is larger than the screen, in an attempt to fit popups with long captions.
- Force autoplay in IE11 if the attribute is set.
- Use <source> tag for video url value.
- Open pdf links in a new tab instead of a popup in iOS and Android.
- Icons were not displaying in IE 11
- Title and Caption values that contained HTML and a link would be rendered incorrectly.
- A popup launched dynamically from a javascript function would not open if no parameters were specified.
- Allow local urls to contain a tmpl variable that is not "component"
- Fix zoom icon height
- Improve transition between images
- Set a min-height value for the <audio> element
- Add missing support for <audio> formats - mp3, m4a, oga, wav
- Iframe based content popups would not display at the correct size if a width and height were set.
- Removed legacy video / audio fallback support
- Changed Mediabox global variable name to prevent conflicts with other plugins
- Remove legacy fonts and mediaplayer folders on install
- Changed: SVG icons are now used instead of font icons.
- Changed: PDF files are now opened in a new window on iOS devices instad of in a Mediabox popup due to rendering issues on these devices.
- Fixed: Video elements are now focusable using the TAB key.
- Fixed: The MediaBox window would not always be displayed at the correct size when resized to fit without the browser window.
- Fixed: Resizing the browser windowor changing the orientation of the device could cause the browser to freeze in some popup instances.
- Fixed: Passed in Youtube and Vimeo options were not being correctly processed and applied.
- Fixed: Medibox was not sizing correctly in some instances.
- Added: Legacy tooltips are converted into simple UIkit or Bootstrap tooltips.
- Changed: Revert some previous changes to add back compatability with Joomla 3.6
- Fixed: Iframe scrolling on iOS devices
- Fixed: Mediabox would fail when parsing some legacy popup parameters.
- Fixed: Some iframe based content would not display at the correct width.
- Fixed: Mediabox css was overriding sites styling of popup content.
- Fixed: A double border was being produced when the popup thumbnail image contained a border.
- Fixed: An overlay colour set in the MediaBox parameters would not be applied.
- Fixed: Margin, Padding, Border etc. styles applied to a thumbnail image in the popup link would not be effectively overriden, resulting in a layout issue with the popup icon.
- Fixed: Display of some iframe based media, eg: PDF, Youtube etc.
- Fixed: Some template @font-face declarations were overriding MediaBox font icons.
- Fixed: Resizing of popups when device screen orientation changes.
- Fixed: Popups with set dimensions not sized correctly.
- Fixed: Some popup size configurations not sized correctly to fit the screen size.
- Fixed: Fix layout of local content poups by removing default word wrap.
- Fixed: Passed in styles were not applied to lcoal content popups correctly.
- Fixed: Opening a popup that is resized to fit the screen would cause the browser tab to crash in some configurations.
- Fixed: Use of deprecated function causing an error in Joomla 4
- Fixed: Content popups using set dimensions were not displaying at the correct size when the dimensions resulted in a portrait orientation.
- Fixed: Legacy parameters, eg: data-mediabox="width[640];height[480]" were not being processed correctly.
- Changed: Replace Icomoon icons with FontAwesome 4 icons.
- Changed: Rebuilt MediaBox as a modern, responsive lightbox.
- Fixed: Update group detection from rel attribute to support "noopener noreferrer" addition in JCE 2.6.10
- Added: Add "noopener noreferrer" to rel attribute when the popup link target="_blank"
- Fixed: Simplified URL matching in the popup title and caption to allow for URLs with less common characters.
- Fixed: Title and caption values in popups created in JCE 2.6.9 not displayed.
- Fixed: Refine popup selector to prevent invalid popups - elements that contain a "jcepopup" class value that are not <a> or <area> tags - from being processed.
- Fixed: MediaBox fails if the page contains elements with the "jcepopup" class that are not anchor links.
- Added: The Autopopup option can now be set with a data-mediabox-autopup attribute, eg:
<a href="/image.jpg" data-mediabox="1" data-mediabox-autopopup="multiple">
- Fixed: Mediabox not loading on some sites due to invalid "Assigne To Menu" parameter value.
- Added: An option to exclude loading Mediabox in certain menu items.
- Added: The "data-mediabox" attribute can now be used as a popup link selector instead of the "jcepopup" class, eg:
<a href="/image.jpg" data-mediabox="1">
- Fixed: Remove query from popup imge URL before testing for image type.
- Fixed: Popup fails is title or caption contains a % character.
- Fixed: mp3 audio type not detected correctly for MediaPlayer fallback.
- Fixed: PHP7 Compatability
- Changed: Set allowfullscreen:true on iframes
- Added: Media Fallback option to create a shim for browser that don't support mp4 and flv video and mp3 audio.
- Changed: Replace Strobe Media Playback player with a simpler player based on the one used in MediaElement.js
- Changed: Improved the methods for displaying video and audio.
- Fixed: Decoding of html in title and caption.
- Fixed: Next / Previous icons in Squeeze theme.
- Fixed: Detection and use of protocol relative URL
- Fixed: Prevent creation of multiple zoom icons.
- Fixed: Detection of browser support for mp4 video.
- Fixed: Popup position in iOS or when Scolling option is set to "scroll"
- Fixed: Loading indicator when displaying a PDF in iOS
- Fixed: Popup window position not centered on some sites / platforms
- Fixed: Audio / video support detection and fallback
- Fixed: Decoding of caption / title content to allow for HTML contents
- Fixed: Update "domready" function
- Changed: Add support for data-mediabox-* attributes for parameters (to be introduced in JCE 2.5.3)
- Fixed: Dimension check that caused some link popups to fail.
- Fixed: Sizing of Flash videos
- Fixed: Images in "ajax" content resized to full width
- Fixed: Persistent loader in PDF Mediabox in Chrome / Win7
- Changed: Always open PDF files in a new window on Androind and iOS
- Added: IFrame URLs are opened as protocol relative when the source scheme is different to the site scheme.
- Fixed: Resize elements to fit popup
- Fixed: Decode encoded title, caption etc. (encoding introduced in JCE 2.5)
- Fixed: Popup text link display when popup is an image.
- Changed: Open pdf files in new window in iOS Safari
- Fixed: Popup icon display when the popup link is inside a JCE Caption
- Fixed: IFrame load in WebKit iOS browsers
- Fixed : Further display issues with JCE Captions
- Fixed : Loading does not end for IFrames in iOS8
- Fixed : Strict Standards error
- Fixed : CSS Conflict with JCE Captions
- Fixed : Removed inline-block style from popup link which prevented text floating correctly.
- Fixed : Bootstrap framework icon conflicts
- Fixed : ?tmpl=component incorrectly added to some external links
- Changed : Replace ?etag=hash with ?hash on stylesheet/script urls.
- Changed : Minify stylesheets and replace header in css and js files with lighter version.
- Fixed : Add width of 150% to pdf files in iOS to attempt to address scroll issues.
- Changed : Use ?etag= instead of ?version= to prevent script/stylesheet caching
- Fixed : Attempt to address pdf display issues on iOS and Android.
- Fixed : IFrame / Ajax display issues in IE6/7
- Fixed : Use passed in width/height for media elements
- Fixed : Add type attribute to audio/video tag.
- Fixed : Don't load MediaBox in Joomla print mode
- Fixed : Only apply float from image to icon container if value is "left" or "right"
- Fixed : Various popup display issues on iOS
- Fixed : Image popups are now correctly scaled if only one dimension is set.
- Fixed : Error in IE7 in local content popups.
- Fixed : Close button position if numbers are visible but no caption.
- Fixed : Error in MediaBox parameters on some systems.
- Added : Support for f4v files.
- Fixed : Improve PDF display on some devices.
- Fixed : Dont show numbers and caption area if empty.
- Fixed : Decode entities in title and caption text
- Fixed : PDF popups not displaying in Chrome
- Added : Cookie Expirt option for single auto-popups.
- Added : Popups can now be opened with jcepopup.open method using element, eg: onclick="jcepopup.open(this);"
- Changed : Use popup link id or base64 encoded url as cookie name
- Fixed : Encode and trim popup title and caption.
- Fixed : Multiple menu assignement selection
- Added : Menu Assignment option allows MediaBox to only be loaded on the selected menu item.
- Changed : Remove "MediaObject" library
- Fixed : Remove us of DS constant
- Fixed : Occassional error if no rel oar title attribute set on the popup link.
- Fixed : Move -webkit-scroll style to javascript to prevent validation errors.
- Fixed : Use caption as default if no popup title set.
- Fixed : Remove popup closing when link in popup is clicked.
- Fixed : Youtube video fails to load when URL contains no parameters
- Fixed : Tooltip shows browser tooltip if tooltip is placed on a popup thumbnail
- Fixed : Default width and height (if set) is used for video files if no dimensions are provided.
- Change : Theme files are now valid HTML files.
- Fixed : Youtube URL creation
- Fixed : Youtube URL on iOS devices
- Fixed : Popup scrolling on iOS devices
- Fixed : Thumbnail images will now display in Print Preview modes.
- Fixed : Image alt or title transfered to zoom icon container
- Fixed : Vimeo popup detection
- Fixed : Popup Parameter processing
- Added : Support for FLV files either detected from the extension or from type="video/x-flv"
- Added : Popup dimensions can now be set as percentages, eg: rel="width[50%]"
- Fixed : Vimeo popups open in a new window
- Fixed : Added class to anchor links in popup container (close, next, previous buttons) to prevent badly assigned css classes in some templates from affecting the behaviour of the buttons
- Changed : Merged javascript files into a single compressed file.
- Fixed : Legacy popup conversion
- Fixed : Javascript processing of internal content eg: email cloaking
- Fixed : Image resizing if only one dimension is set.
- Added : Support for Youtube and Vimeo IFrame mode
- Added : Support for HTML5 mp4 video with a Flash based MediaPlayer fallback
- Added : Support for HTML5 mp3 audio with a Flash based MediaPlayer fallback
- Added : Support for HTML5 webm video and audio (supported browsers only)
- Added : Image, document and video image markers for content that can't be loaded
- Fixed : Image resizing when dimensions set in popup parameters.
- Fixed : Display issue in Safari
- Fixed : Popup would fail if link contained an id attribute but no autopopup class
- Update : Improved display on iPad and iPhone
- Fixed : Positioning of zoom icon when thumbnail image is center aligned.
- Added : Tooltips are now processed in 'ajax' content popups.
- Changed : Separate install packages for Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6
- Fixed : Incorrect positioning of popup box when Resize parameter is set to No and image size exceeds screen size.
- Added : Joomla! 1.6 supported
- Fixed : Tooltips on popup thumbnail images
- Fixed : Better popup icon placement.
- Fixed : Icon placement when thumbnail image does not have both dimensions set.
- Added : Popup links in 'ajax' popups are now processed
- Added : jcepopup.create(elements) method for creating popups on the fly where elements is an array of popup links
- Added : Lightbox / Slimbox and Shadowbox conversion options. Convert any existing lightbox / slimbox and shadowbox popup to a JCE Mediabox one.
- Added : Option to select whether a click on the background overlay closes the popup
- Fixed : Gap in Squeeze theme popup layout in IE7
- Fixed : Added better IE6 / IE7 browser detection (sniff plus feature detection) May contribute to fixing IE display issues
- Fixed : title tooltip issues in IE
- Changed : Removed iPad / iPhone block. May still require some work to get full support for these devices
- Remove fade-in on all non-image popups
- Replaced legacy instances of Mootools trim() function with native JCEMediaBox.trim()
- Added audio and video elements to JCEMediaObject
- Fixed type attribute not being added to embed element
- Removed fade-in for IE6
1.0.6 (not released)
- Removed tinymce function references
- Added conversion of legacy bw and bh values
- Fixed button placement when popup does not contain a caption.
- Fixed z-index conflict with some menu systems
- Fixed errors when using a css / javascript compression plugin
- 'minified' all javascript files
- Thumb image border no longer set to 0
- Fixed issue where Youtube etc. dimensions could not accept custom values
- Fixed : More SEF related url issues
- Fixed : Popup closes when clicking on overlay / background.
- Fixed issues with zoom icon and inherited styles
- Fixed MediaObject using incorrect function call
- Fixed method for obtaining site url. JCE MediaBox will fail if no site url obtained.
- Removed all external script / library dependencies. All JCE MediaBox functions are contained with the JCEMediaBox namespace.
- Tooltips are now themed using the selected popup theme.
- The Standard and Squeeze theme popups now have rounded corners, as do all tooltips.
- JCE MediaBox can be to add support for additional media sites (Youtube, Google Video, Vimeo, Metacafe, DailyMotion supported by default)
- A caption parameter has been added so that a separate title can be added to images.
- All labels (close, next, previous etc.) are now translatable.