
This feature is available in JCE Pro

A watermark can be applied to an image when it is uploaded. Check the Watermark option in the Upload dialog to enable watermarking.

The Watermark option in the Upload dialog

Watermark Options

Watermark options are set in the Editor Profile Filesystem parameters.

Watermark options can be set in Editor Profiles

Default Upload State

This turns the watermark feature on or off.

Show Upload Option

Should the Watermark option be shown in the Upload dialog? Set this to No and set the Default Upload State to On to force watermarking of all uploaded images.


The watermark type, either Text or Image.


If the watermark type is set to Text, enter in the watermark text here, eg: © Copyright 2016 Joe Public


If the Type option is set to Image, an image field is displayed. Select an image to use for the watermark.

Additional watermark options when using an image

Font Style

Select a Font or specify the path (relative to the Joomla! Root folder) to a font file, eg: media/fonts/myfont.ttf

Note: Liberation Sans is a free (GPL2 licensed) substitute for Arial. Other Liberation fonts are available.

Font Size

Font size for the watermark in pixels or points, eg: 36 or 36px or 36pt

Text Colour

Colour of the watermark text in hex format, eg: #FFFFFF


Position of the watermark on the target image


Opacity of the watermark (lower values create more transparent watermarks), eg: 50


Margin around the edge of the watermark where it is adjacent to the target image edge.

Example Watermarks

Text watermark
A text watermark
Image watermark
An image watermark