Inserting an Image

To Insert an Image

  1. Select the image in the File Browser section by clicking on its name. The URL, Alternate Text and Dimensions fields will be updated with the image properties.
  2. Adjust the image properties as required. In the animation below, the image is aligned left, and a 5 pixel margin is added around the image. The preview on the right is updated with these changes.
  3. Click the Insert button at the bottom of the dialog. 

Insert an image


The URL field represents the image's src attribute, and is the relative path to the image on the server.

Alternate Text

This represents the alt attribute, and defines a short description of the image.


The width and height of the image, in pixels. If the proportional checkbox is checked, changes to one value will automatically be affected on the other. By default an image will be inserted without a width and height, unless the original values are edited.


Represents the amount of space (in pixels) between the image and surrounding items. If the Equalize box is checked, all margin positions will use the same value.


The position of the image relative to surrounding text.


Create a border style on the image with options for width, style and colour.

To Update and Image

When the Image Manager opens, all relevant fields are updated with the image's attributes.

The folder where the image resides is opened and the image selected. The image's properties are displayed in the Details view.

At this point you can change the image by selecting a new one (follow the steps above) or alter any of the fields in any of the tabs.

Click the Update button to update the image with the changes.