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#112887 Forum search results

Posted in ‘Suggestions & Feature Requests’
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Latest post by Ryan on Tuesday, 24 January 2023 11:48 GMT

Hi Ryan, just to say that there is an issue with forum search results. I was searching for "youtube playlist" and clicking on every result I get "Sorry, but the post that you are trying to access is not available. ".

Anyway, is it possibile to add a cover image to embedded YouTube playlist with JCE?

Hi Ryan, just to say that there is an issue with forum search results. I was searching for "youtube playlist" and clicking on every result I get "Sorry, but the post that you are trying to access is not available. ".

Seems to work Ok now, so maybe just a temporary glitch?

Anyway, is it possibile to add a cover image to embedded YouTube playlist with JCE?

With the Responsive Widgets plugin, you can set a poster image for the iframe using a data-poster attribute (similar to using the poster attribute for video tags) -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.