we use JCE since a long time now on several pages and we still use it on most pages we updated to Joomla 4 already. On one page we use Solidres, a very complex booking solution andf there we got issues with JCE in editing their multi language extra tabs.
We report those issues to them, becuase we see the problem on their side but they answer back that JCE is still running a Solution that works on J3 and J4 and that the basic structure of the editor should be a clean J4 Version to work 100% popper.
So we are on tinyMCE now and it works while it is super less comfortable then your Editor. We can not describe an exact issue, we just get often trouble with editing multi language contant and the Solidres developer told us to switch back to tinyMCE and wait until JCE come up as a clean J4 Version without any legacy J3 stuff in it.
So I would like to ask if you can confirm that / plan to came up with an clean J4 Version in the closer future / can talk directly with the SolidresSolidres developers to figure out what the issue is?
We just saw that switching back to tinyMCE fix the problems and we also could see that the folder structure of JCE is still following the old J3 scheme while tinyMCE follow the new J4 scheme but however, we think you had a reason for that 🙂
Would be great if you have any Idea how it can be fixed or if you already plan to come up with a clean J4 Version.
Best regards