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#114185 Create a button

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by channingb on Monday, 17 July 2023 16:33 BST

Hello JCE Team:

I am trying to make it easy for our clients to simply create a link and style it as a button. I have been able to create the styles for a button and they can use the editor to create the button using "styles" then add a link. It works.

However, if they do not do it in the correct order, the span and a href, the styling does not keep the original button style we utilize with a Yootheme template e.g. the text is dark when it should be white and the link is underlined.

I was wondering if I am missing how to find a "button icon/builder" in JCE, that allow the user to simply click on it, perhaps choose an option of a style e.g. red or green, then simply add link.

I know that the current process I have created works, but I know clients will not always follow the rule.

Thank you.


You don't need to create a span to apply the button class to, it can be applied directly to the link tag.

You can create a custom style for this that the user can select from the Styles list after creating the link:

In Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Style Select, create a Custom Style with the following values:

Title: Link Button (or whatever yor prefer)
Tag: None (Apply to selected Tag)
Element Selector: a
Classes: uk-button uk-button-primary (or your preferred Yootheme button classes)

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thank you Ryan. That make sense. Appreciate your help.