Permitted File Extensions

Each plugin that is able to upload and display files - Image Manager, File Manager, Media Manager etc. - includes a Permitted File Extensions parameter which allows you to manage the types of files that can be uploaded and displayed.

Configure Permitted File Extensions

  1. In the Permitted File Extensions editor, you will see a list of file extensions. Each file extension is represented by a rectangular box containing the extension icon, name, and a checkbox to enable or disable it.

Permitted File Extensions list of image extensions

  1. To enable or disable a file extension, simply check or uncheck the checkbox next to it.
  2. Custom file types added by the user will also have a "trash" can icon for removing them.

Adding File Extensions

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the list in the Permitted File Extensions editor.
  2. In the blank input field provided (with the "Add new type" placeholder), enter the file extension without the dot character (e.g., "pdf" or "txt").
  3. Click the plus sign next to the input field to add a new blank field for adding another file extension.

Adding and removing a custom file extension

Managing File Types in Categories

  1. Some file extensions may be organized into categories, such as "Images," "Documents," or "Media."
  2. Within these category groups, you can manage the file extensions by reordering them or moving them between categories.
  3. To reorder a file extension within a category, click and drag the file extension box to the desired position.
  4. To move a file extension to a different category, click and drag the file extension box to the target category.

After making any changes to the Permitted File Extensions for a plugin, remember to Save to ensure the modifications take effect.