• News
  • JCE 2.0.21 released

JCE 2.0.21 released

This release focuses on fixing a few bugs, includes an update to TinyMCE and adds 2 new parameters and support for MS SQL.

MS SQL Support

Joomla! 2.5 added support for MS SQL and this release includes the necessary sql files and a few core changes - specifically to the Link Browser - to support it too. MS SQL support has been tested on Microsoft Webmatrix.

New Parameters

Prohibited Attribute Values

JCE 2.0.16 introduced the Prohibited Elements and Prohibited Attributes parameters to allow for greater control over the editor content. Prohibited Attribute Values is now added to this list of "Security Parameters" and allows for certain attribute values to be removed based on a CSS 2.1 / 3 syntax.

The parameter supports the "is equal to", "starts with" and "ends with" selectors and can target a specific element of all elements in the content.

For example, to prevent base64 encoded urls being used for images, entering img[src^='data:image'] (where an img tag src attribute starts with "data:image") will remove the src value of any matched attributes. Likewise, img[src$='.jpg'] will remove the src value of img tags that have a url ending in .jpg (jpg images).

All tags can be targeted using the * wildcard, eg: *[title="test"] will remove all title attribute values from elements where the title attribute is equal to "test".

Styles List

A Styles List parameter is included in the Editor Parameters tab to set a list of style options for the Styles List in the editor toolbar. The options should be added in the format Name=style (where style is an existing css class used by your template) and separated by a comma. For example, if your template included the css rules :

.redtext {
    color : red;

.blutext {
    color : blue;

you could add Red Text=redtext,Blue Text=bluetext

In addition to these new parameters, some Editor Parameters now include placeholder text to help better explain possible values.

For a full list of changes and bugs fixed see the Changelog
