• News
  • JCE 2.3.0 Beta released

JCE 2.3.0 Beta released

JCE 2.3 marks the beginning of support for Joomla! 3.

JCE now supports Joomla! 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0, and will continue to do so up until the release of JCE 3.0 when support for Joomla! 1.5 will be dropped.

Whats new?

Administration changes

The JCE Administration has been refined a little bit, mostly to make it easier to support 3 Joomla! versions - eg:  system modal dialogs are now used instead of custom dialogs, custom table styles removed - but a few small changes, such as replacing Yes/No select lists with radio lists make setting some parameters easier (especially when using fingers on a tablet!)

Assign Profiles to Devices

A new "Device" option has been added to the Profiles Setup tab which allows you to specify the device - Desktop, Tablet, Phone - the profile is to be used on.

"Mobile" Toolbar Theme

An experimental "Mobile" Toolbar Theme has been added with bigger buttons. Of course this theme can be used on any device. This theme will be improved and refined as more tests are done on mobile devices.

In addition a sample "Mobile" profile has been included as an example of how one could use the Device assignment and Mobile toolbar theme.

Please note : JCE 2.3.0 is currently in beta and should therefore be used with caution.

Installation and Updating

Follow the Installation Instructions for a new install or update.
