Creating a Media Field

The JCE Media Field is an alternative to the Joomla Media Field that provides a field for selecting and managing media items such as images, audio, video, and documents using the JCE File Browser.

To create a JCE Media Field, you must first create and assign it to appear in the Fields tab when creating content. To do this, set the Type option to JCE File Browser (media).

Creating a new JCE Media Field
Set the Type option to JCE File Browser (media)

When creating or editing a JCE Media Field, several unique options are available to configure the field, including options for displaying the field in the article, available field options for the content author, and field-specific options for configuring the File Browser.

Options available when creating a new Media Field
Media Field options

Extended Media

When this option is enabled, additional field options will be available to the author, including:

  • Width - set the media item width in pixels.
  • Height - set the media item height in pixels.
  • Type - set how the media item is displayed - as an embedded item or a link.
  • Caption - set a caption for the media item. When a caption is set, the media item will be wrapped in a <figure> tag with an associated <figcaption>.

Media Type

The type of media to display in the File Browser. Set a type, eg: images, media, documents, files; or enter in a comma separated list of extensions, eg: pdf,doc,xls

Media Class

A space separated list of classes to add to the media item


A description for the media item. For images, this will be set as the alt attribute, for files as the file link text.


Specifies where the link destination document will be loaded, if the Media Type is not images.

Media Path

Path where media files are located and the root directory of the File Browser, relative to the File Directory Path set in the Editor Profile parameters. For example, if this value is set to mediafield, and the File Directory Path is blank (defaulting to images) or set to the value images, then the resulting Media Path will be images/mediafield.

Caption Class

A space separated list of classes to add to the <figure> caption element if ExtendedMedia is enabled and a Caption value is set.