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#112586 Columns Layout - add "4-1"

Posted in ‘Suggestions & Feature Requests’
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Latest post by Ryan on Monday, 19 December 2022 09:55 GMT

Dear Ryan,

this is for the PRO version of the columns plugin: could you possibly add the possibility to select a columns layout of "4-1" and not only "2-1" and "3-1"?

So that on desktop view there would be a size ratio of 80 : 20 for the columns? I am using the "Generic CSS Framework" and I am missing this proportion.

Thank you!


Columns is designed to be interchangeable with the 2 main css frameworks used in Joomla templates - UIKit and Bootstrap 4+. Bootstrap does not support fifths in it's grid layout, rather using a grid based on factors of 12, eg: 2,3,4,6,8,12

I will look at the possibility of using sixths for Bootstrap but fifths for the others (Generic and UIKit) in an update in the new year.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

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