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#114483 Table of Contents plugins

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by Ryan on Monday, 28 August 2023 14:49 BST


is it possible to change the default headline settings for the table of context?
E.g. I use in my template <h5> and to add two </br> after the text?

Another thing I would love to add - when the plugin adds the achors to the headline - is a class. e.g. class="scrollAnchor".
In my template otherwise the headline is behuind the menu.

Your plugin saves me a lot time and I really like it! Great work. If this two settings would be possible - awesome :-)

I couldn't find any settings in Edit Profile -> Plugin Parameters

Kind regards,

is it possible to change the default headline settings for the table of context? E.g. I use in my template
and to add two
after the text?
It is, but there is no parameter available for this yet, I will add one in the next update, later this week.
Another thing I would love to add - when the plugin adds the achors to the headline - is a class. e.g. class="scrollAnchor". In my template otherwise the headline is behuind the menu.
This could get a bit messy with a lot of repeated class names added to each link. A better way is to use the element hierarchy to create a css rule. So assuming the container class is "mce-toc" which is the current default (an option will be available to change this in future), then your css could be:

.mce-toc > ul li a[href] {
    /* some css */

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Table of Contents 1.0.3 has been released -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.