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  • JCE Pro 2.9.11 released

JCE Pro 2.9.11 released

This update improves support for Joomla 4, fixes a number of bugs reported since the last release, and adds a useful new feature for keeping media urls in sync with file and folder name changes.

Joomla 4 Support

Joomla 4 is due for release today, and to coincide with this, this JCE update improves support for Joomla 4 with layout and UI tweaks, as well as a change to the Search feature in the Link dialog.

Joomla 4 no longer includes the Search component and plugins found in Joomla 3, but instead uses the Smart Search extension. This was not suitable for the Link Search, so versions of the Joomla Search plugins that were previously used in Joomla 3 have been refactored and included with this version of JCE. The Link Search should perform as before, with a few bug fixes thrown in for good measure. In time, search plugins for other extensions will be released, but until then, searches will still be made using installed Joomla Search plugins for those extensions in Joomla 3.

URL Sync

While experimenting with a plugin to synchronise file and folder name and path changes across Joomla article content, it occured to me that a similar system should be included to update urls in the current article with file and folder name and path changes that are made during editing of that article. For example, if you insert an image in an article, then make changes in the Image Manager that affect that image, eg: renaming it or moving it to a new folder, that image url should automatically be updated to reflect that change.

This has been added for images, media (video and audio) and file urls - in the currently edited article - that are changed in the Image Manager, Media Manager, File Manager or File Browser.

A changelog for this release is available to view here

Thank you to everyone who submitted bug reports and tested development versions. If you find any more issues please submit them on the forum or on github.

Download and Installation

JCE Pro is available for download with a JCE Pro Subscription.
If you already have a subscription, please make sure you set your key before updating

Instructions for installing and updating JCE for each Joomla version are available here