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#100553 Create non-editable zones, is that possible?

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Latest post by Ryan on Monday, 22 July 2019 19:42 BST

[email protected]
Hello support,

JCE version 2.7.14
Joomla 3.9.10

I wonder if there is a way to restrict some parts or elements in a page from being edited? If I take the approach of a blog layout I can restrict some blog articles from being edited, but that's not what I want. Say you want to restrict some images in a page from being changed/edited or some parts of text from being edited, while other parts still can be edited, would that be possible with JCE?

I stumbled upon the plugin, installed it successfully, it was activated, but the plugin doesn't show up in any editor profile -> Features & Layout -> Additional Features

Thanks in advance,

I stumbled upon the plugin, installed it successfully, it was activated, but the plugin doesn't show up in any editor profile -> Features & Layout -> Additional Features

There is a bug in 2.7.x which prevents the plugin from being displayed in Additional Features, but the NonEditable plugin is being integrated into JCE 2.8.0

A beta of 2.8.0 with NonEditable included will be released early next week.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

[email protected]

In the mean time,someone else on the net, pointed me into the direction of exploring the options of "Insert/Edit attributes" and low and behold, there was an option "Contenteditable" and a previous selected item could be set to "No". So far so good.

I wonder what the newly integrated NonEditable plugin might have to offer, but I'll wait and see…

Thanks for your amazing piece of software, 🙂

I wonder what the newly integrated NonEditable plugin might have to offer, but I'll wait and see…
The difference is that the NonEditable plugin uses a classname to identify editable and non-editable fields, and the contenteditable attribute is only available when editing the content. You can also create editable areas within non-editable areas, eg:

<div class="mceNonEditable">
    <p>This paragraph cannot be edited</p>
    <div class="mceEditable">
        <p>This paragraph can be edited</p>

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

JCE Pro 2.8.0 Beta 4 is available with the non-editable functionality -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.