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#102123 JCE 2.8.1 beta1: IME - no update to the "alt-text" field, when selecting a new picture file

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Latest post by HGH on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 19:21 GMT

When selecting a new picture file the "alt-text" isn't updated. See video.

.. bug is still there in JCE282.beta3 !

In older JCE-versions, the content of the "alt-text"-field was corresponding to the filename of the picture without the file-extension.
When changing the picture by a new selection, the filename AND the "alt-text"-field were updated.

Now only the picture-filename is updated. The content of the "alt-text"-field isn't changed. See video in opening post.

This is not a bug, this is intentional. The alt attribute of an image is intended to convey a description of the image, principally for accessability purposes, or if the image cannot be displayed for some reason. By default, JCE uses the image file name to fill this field, as it should not be blank, but this is seldom a suitable substitute for a detailed description.

So, if you have set this value to something that describes the image, you don't want this value removed or replaced if you select a new image, which is perhaps similar to the original. It is easier to remove the old text and replace it, than to rewrite what may have been a well thought out and accurate description of the image.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi Ryan,

the procedure is certainly not to be dismissed, but the old solution was a quick one, which was perhaps not quite in the sense of a clear text, but just fast.

It would be a great help, if JCE would control the documenting of the "Alt-Text" field via an option.
If the user likes it, he can then choose the "individual description" and if you prefer it more quickly, you can choose the derivation of the content from the file name.

In this context, I would like to point out another thing.
If you use an "individual description", it would be nice, it was automatically included in the "title-attribute". Then, when you sweep the field with the mouse and the same text to the image would be displayed as a little popup.

Think about it, it's christmastime - the season of gifts. ;)

greeting HGH

Hi Ryan,

while working with the JCE 2.8.2 beta x I had an idea for the "alt-text"-field.

At the moment it is so, that when the pic-file is first inserted, the "alt-text"-field is being initiated by JCE from the pic-files name. After that the alt-text field stays as it is, when there is an update to the pic-files name.

It would be a little help, when the initial load of the alt-text-field would be also done, when the alt-text field is manually cleared - than it has no content - before the pic-file is updated.

Can you please do a solution like this in one of the next updates?

Please try JCE Pro 2.8.2 RC1 -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.


first of all - thanks.
Now I think it works as in earlier versions of JCE. The "alt-text" field is updated with every change of the corresponding pic-file-name.

But my idea was quit a bit different, as I wrote in the earlier post.

The content of the "alt-text" field should only change, when the field has no content. This can be at initial-time or when being cleared by the user.
In any case of containing some content, the "alt-text" field should be untouched. So some user-defined text in that field is prevented of being changed, when you click to a new pic-file.
If the "alt-text" field content must be changed (except initially at the first time), it can only be done manually by the user.

I think this would be the right functionality for all cases.

Now I think it works as in earlier versions of JCE. The "alt-text" field is updated with every change of the corresponding pic-file-name.

No, this is how it works now:

If you are inserting a new image, then every selection of an image in the File Browser will update the alt field with a new value.

If you are editing an existing image, then the alt field value will keep its initial value when you select a new image. If you clear the value, it can then accept a new value for each image selection.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Sorry Ryan,
it was my fault - I tested it in the wrong way.

It is now clear to me and works in the wright way - perfect.