Hi there
First of all, thank you for the excellent extension!
When I insert a video in an article, the Media Manager allows me to select "center" as the alignment (Screenshot from 2020-09-04 10-53-02.png).
I would like to set media alignment centred by default, but there's no such option in the Media Manager plugin paramenters default value (Screenshot from 2020-09-04 10-52-08.png).
First of all, thank you for the excellent extension!
When I insert a video in an article, the Media Manager allows me to select "center" as the alignment (Screenshot from 2020-09-04 10-53-02.png).
I would like to set media alignment centred by default, but there's no such option in the Media Manager plugin paramenters default value (Screenshot from 2020-09-04 10-52-08.png).