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#105251 Facebook video embed option is not working

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Latest post by Ryan on Wednesday, 09 September 2020 13:52 BST


I don't find a way to embed the facebook video in easyblog post. I am using JCE editor for easyblog.

I tried with video embed option from easyblog but its not working with jce editor.

I even tried to upload the Iframe embed code from facebook thats also not working.

Could you please tell me the way to embed the facebook video in JCE editor.


You can just paste the video url into the editor, and the embed code will be created for you.

You need to have the Media Manager button in the editor toolbar for this.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.


Yes I am using video embed option and it takes embed code automatically. The issue is facebook video container shows error message and said to contact facebook help.

But when I use iframe for the same video it loads perfectly on the page. But the JCE editor did not allow iframe tags.

Thats why I add the iframe code directly to the database of this post.

Hope you understand the issue.


But when I use iframe for the same video it loads perfectly on the page. But the JCE editor did not allow iframe tags.

Please see -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.