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#105462 Since the last update of JCE - Could not find the server IP address of index.php

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Latest post by Ryan on Thursday, 01 October 2020 16:42 BST


Since the last update of JCE, if I want to add an intro image or a full article image when editing an article on the front end of my site, I have in the pop-up the message "Could not find the server IP address of index.php" (see screenshot)

If I open the window in a new tab of my browser, I see that the domain name of my site is not used in the URL:

https: //index.php/? option = com_jce & task = plugin.display & plugin = browser & standalone = 1 & 3be34362cfcad01490e646cb08f36596 = 1 & client = 0 & context = 22 & element = jform_images_image_intro & mediatype = images & converted = 1 & fieldid_inform_images folder_image =

(With TinyMCE there is no problem.)

Thank you in advance for your help in solving this problem.

Best regards



Please try JCE Pro 2.8.19 Beta -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.