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#108245 are tables responsive?

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Latest post by Ryan on Wednesday, 07 July 2021 13:58 BST

I would like to know if the tables made under jce are responsive? because I notice that they do not adapt to the size of the screen (tablet, mobile etc.). If the tables are responsive, please tell me in advance what I have to do to make them responsive? Thank you

J'aimerai savoir si les tableaux faient sous jce sont responsif ? car je constate qu'ils ne s'adaptent pas à la grandeur de l'écran (tablette, mobile etc.). Si les tableaux sont responsives, merci par avance de m'indiquer ce que je dois faire pour qu'ils le soient ? Merci

Tables by default are not responsive, and unforunately it's not easy to make them so. See -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

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