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#108944 Front End Editor opening in new window instead of modal.

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by Ryan on Thursday, 30 September 2021 09:58 BST

Hey guys, love your work and have made it a core part of my work flow (as I am sure countless others as well). I recently updated one of my sites to 3.10.2 (there are some extensions from J2Store that aren't J4 ready yet) and noticed that the front end editor stopped opening in the modal window and opens in a new browser window which means of course that they can't add the image to the article. I can see a console error that also recently occurred during this same time in relation to the core modal.js file and figure this is the reason for it not opening anymore, but haven't been able to figure out what is causing the conflict. Assuming something is preventing the mootools js, but this has been working perfectly until the recent updates and I am at my wit's end. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated :)

the error in the console is:

modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7 Uncaught TypeError: JSON.decode is not a function
at (modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7)
at Object.fromElement (modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7)
at HTMLAnchorElement.m (mootools-core.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:119)
open @ modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7
fromElement @ modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7
(anonymous) @ modal.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:7
m @ mootools-core.js?53d474c1997c5792f2e72e7bb7271388:119


None of the errors you have posted are form JCE. Is this modal in your own extension?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.