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#108953 JCE 2.9.16 editing article with Table: changing table-row properties moves table row to the absolute top of the table

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Latest post by gebro on Friday, 01 October 2021 11:14 BST

Hi there,
I work within JOOMLA (3.10) with JCE 2.9.16.
Steps to reproduce the problem:

Open an existing article with an existing table.

Move cursor on a table-row. Click right mouse button and select "Table row properties".

Change a property of the selected table row: here: change background colour to any other colour (here: #eff2f5")

Click on button "Insert"

The table row is changed as per step c), but moves to the TOP of the table.

If I want to change the properties of a table row, the table row may not change it's position.

Please help.

Thank you and
Best Regards

Please try JCE Pro 2.9.17 Beta -

Clear your browser cache after install.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi Ryan,
the described problem is solved with JCE Pro 2.9.17 Beta 4.
Thank you 😃
Best Regards