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#109150 Text editor field fully not clickable on firefox

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by Ryan on Thursday, 21 October 2021 15:13 BST


I have an issue on this website with JCE on firefox.
Choose one brown button and scroll down to editor field.
They work nicely in Chrome but not in Firefox.
If i set the Classic it works again.
So some script is not working with the new Retina design and Firefox.
I just updated to the latest version so that should not be a Problem if you ask me.

Any idea what this could be?

See here:

Click on "Ik zoek een boer"
Scroll down until the JCE field appears.
On firefox you can't select the editor field.
On chrome it works without a problem.

Hope you can help me out here :-D

This might actually be caused by the way the editor is being displayed, rather than the toolbar theme.

Please send me a login -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

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