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#109286 Limit bar buttons for custom form

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by Unstudioenplus on Wednesday, 03 November 2021 18:33 GMT

When using custom custom forms I'd like to limit the amount of buttons are use for certain sections. Example: When editing categories information, we have a new section called Category Info, in this section there are several inputs plus a few text-areas that are render with the default editor, in this case JCE. everything renders fine as it should, but we want to limit this new sections, to use a limit actions, out XML looks like this:

<fieldset name="apicatinfo" label="API_EXT_CAT_LABEL">
				<field name="apicatdescription"
On previews versions there was an attribute "buttons" but only affects Joomla Main Buttons that shows at the bottom of the editor, we want to change button bars of the editor just for this particular sections, say I only want to allow B, I, U, Link, Image, UL and that's all, but for the main "description" which is the Joomla default editor just leave it as is... Can this be done from the XML form file or do I have to use javascript in the template?

The editor layout (toolbar buttons) and other parameters are controlled by Editor Profiles, which you can assign to specific components and usergroups.

It is not currently possible to configure the editor via the field attributes.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

@Ryan# Thank you.
I'll have to add another editor only for those sections.

On another question, on Joomla! v3, on JCE configuration "Styles" I have added the bootstrap.min.css link, when editing I can see columns and all the bootstraps components which I only use the grid component.

For Joomla! v4, I have setup the same type of configuration but I don't see the grid from Bootstrap, then I added the link to all sections when it allows the extra css but nop it doesn't show any grid, when I use the buttons to add "columns" it doesn't work either with css or not, it just display a simple row for any column... is this bug or what should I put the link for my grid?... is there a workaround ?.

Thank you,