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#111825 Changes from JCE in php-code

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by pnussbau on Thursday, 15 September 2022 11:53 BST

I use JCE many years an since 2 or 3 versions there is a bug in the editor.
If I open an article and the tab is "code" then I have the correct syntax for "php start" and "php end" picture jce_11.jpg
afterwards I switch the tab to "Editor" and back to "code" then JCE change the code inside the i-frame - definition picture JCE_12.jpg
Best regards


Please try JCE Pro 2.9.30 RC -

Clear your browser cache after install.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

I install the new version, but is the same behaviour

In Editor Profiles -> Editor Parameters -> Advanced, set Protect Shortcode to No.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Please try JCE Pro 2.9.30 RC2 -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thank You Ryan

The editor-parameter was setting to NO before, but I install the new version 2.9.30 and its correct now.

Best regards