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#114386 Links to Articles Not Working

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by holdsworthdesign on Friday, 11 August 2023 16:39 BST

I'm running a Joomla 4 website with JCE pro and when I create links using the "Content" option by opening the specific category and then selecting the article I want to link to, it fills the field with the standard Joomla query string, but then Joomla's SEF URL rewriting creates a URL that goes to a 404. The article I'm linking to is in the Uncategorized category which doesn't have a menu item. This has always worked in the past, but suddenly is not. Is this an editor issue or a Joomla problem?

Does the link work if you create it with the Article button below the editor area?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hello. No, it appears that does not work either which leads me to believe it's a Joomla problem - which leaves my wondering where to go from here? Do you have any suggestions on what to look for?

In Joomla 4 SEF urls are created with reference to the alias of the menu items the article is associated with, if the article is not assigned to a menu, then a SEF url cannot be created (the SEF url is not created from the article/category alias).

One solution is to a revert to a Joomla 3 style of SEF URLs. To do this go to Content -> Articles and click on the Options button, then on the Integration tab, and set the Remove IDs from URLs to No.

Another more complex solution, but one that guarantees full SEF urls, is to create a hidden menu and assign the articles to it. The menu would not show up in the site layout, but would create correct SEF urls for each article assigned to it.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Oh, ok. I didn't know about this change in J4. Thank you so much for taking the time to help even though it was unrelated to your component. That's very generous.