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#114796 Link to docman document includes menu item that is only for webmaster

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Latest post by Ryan on Tuesday, 03 October 2023 13:26 BST

Hi, to create a link to a docman pdf, I use the Joomla Editor Button -> Document.
The link that is created looks like

When I save this, the rewritten url contains the menu item id 647, but that menu item is not public (docman is maintained by the webmaster through the frontend). For the articles I soved this with a setting in JCE: Plugin parameters -> Link -> Joomla! Links -> "Include ItemId = No". But how to do that for docman documents ?

When I remove the "&Itemid=647" from the generated docman link, the error displayed is "0 - invalid menu item", so manually changing doesnt help either.


to create a link to a docman pdf, I use the Joomla Editor Button -> Document.
The link that is created looks like

When I save this, the rewritten url contains the menu item id 647, but that menu item is not public (docman is maintained by the webmaster through the frontend). For the articles I soved this with a setting in JCE: Plugin parameters -> Link -> Joomla! Links -> "Include ItemId = No". But how to do that for docman documents ?

This button is part of the Docman package, not JCE. You will need to contact JoomlaTools (the developers of Docman) about this.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.