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#115912 Usage of VIDEO - confusing message

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by hing on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 11:41 GMT

I use a VIDEO tag, but with a typo in my filename, e.g. like this:

<video style="width: 25%!important; height: auto!important;" src="" controls="controls" width="25" height="NaN">

In the editor I get this message:

(No video found with supported format and MIME-type)

a) At first I was surprised - what does it want to say to me?
b) Then I realized - it is a simple "File not found" (because of a typo)
c) Then I thought about it - the message is correct, but directs to a (usually ..) wrong direction because of "format" and "mime" - message.

So maybe you can find a message which considers options b) and c) ?

Have a good time!


The message you are seeing is displayed by the browser, not JCE. JCE does not validate the file source, so when the server produces a 404 error, the browser wrongly interprets this as an invalid mime type.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

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