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#116577 Insert Multiple Images - Dimensions Change

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Latest post by tanya on Monday, 08 April 2024 11:00 BST



When inserting multiple images that have the different orientations (landscape and portrait), it seems to resize the images of a specific orientation after inserting based on whichever was selected first (so an image of 800px wide downsizes to the same height as the other orientation image).  There is a workaround to make the dimensions 100% each and uncheck the proportion box but that then makes the value "NaN" after inserting.

Is there a way to insert images and keeping their sizes correct regardless of orientation?

Thank you



To keep the images in their original sizes when inserting multiple images, uncheck the Proportional box next to the Width and Height fields, and remove the Width and Height values.

If you want to resize the images when inserting them, I find setting a height value only (once you have cleared the values as above) is the best compromise for mixed orientation images.

FYI - Percentage values are not valid for the <img> width and height attributes. All values should be pixel values.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.


Thank you so much Ryan!  That works. 🙏