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#99643 JCE Pro dissappears when working in the front end (SPBuilder)

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Latest post by Ryan on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 09:56 BST

I am facing several issues as follows:
1. The editor randomly dissappears in the front end and together with my content
2. When switching from editor to code or preview, it freezes
3. (Minor), the layout in JCE admin backend is not right

I have attached screenshots which will help visualise the issue.


Hi Fabs15,

I'm using JCE, SP PageBuilder (and UltimateHelix) on lot of websites and I haven't this problem.

I had this kind of issue with an older JCE version (2.6.33). That has been solved with the 2.6.34

I'm using the last version of Joomla, JCE and SPPB


Thanks for the feed back dolmenhir.

It was working fine before both updates, but its not working for me with the new JCE Pro and with SPBuilder lastest version- anyone from JCE pro able to get back on this?

Please try JCE Pro 2.7.12 RC4 -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thanks for the suggestian alas it didnt work - I installed the latest version and I still have the same issue - JCE dissappears and doesnt capture the content either.

Please note that It works with TinyMCE.

Could you help please further please

@Fabs15 - this sounds like an issue on your site, as I am not able to reproduce the problem in a test site with the latest SP Page Builder.

Please send me a login -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

1. The editor randomly dissappears in the front end and together with my content
2. When switching from editor to code or preview, it freezes

Without going into an overly complicated explanation of the cause of this, it appears to be triggered by the Spellchecker State option being set to Yes.

When this option is set to No (the default), editing in SP Page Builder worked fine for me in the front-end on your site.

3. (Minor), the layout in JCE admin backend is not right

This is the result of some css inconsistencies in your admin template. There are some other issues with this template that affect other controls in the JCE Administration (and perhaps elsewhere in the admin)

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Many thanks for your time to resolve this issue - i will raise the CSS inconsistencies with Joomshaper

i will raise the CSS inconsistencies with Joomshaper

The CSS (and javascript) issues are related to the Admin template you are using, not SP Page Builder.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.