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#106062 PageBreak disappeared?

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by Thomsterdam on Saturday, 05 December 2020 11:12 GMT

Hi there, I'm a little lost. In my JCE Profile I have added the "Page Break" and "read more" buttons. When I edit an article in the Joomla Article Editor I see only one button and when I hover over it, it says: "Insert Read More" and when I click on it, it indeed inserts a 'read more' <hr />. Am I missing something? When I go to the code editor I can insert the page break by inserting the right code

<hr class="system-pagebreak" title="titel break 1" alt="alt titel break 1" />
Can you tell me what is going on? What happened to the "Page Break" button? Is there something wrong with the Page Break plug-in? or.....? Please enlighten me. I looked on your site for an answer, but could not find one. Thanx, Thom


In Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Article Breaks, are both button options checked?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

I knew I was missing something somewhere.......
Thanx a lot Ryan!!
