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#107520 Mediatype files not working anymore

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Latest post by JanM on Thursday, 06 May 2021 17:53 BST

Hello, I am using MediaJCE field in my custom form as follows:

<field name="filename" type="mediajce" mediatype="files" label="Choose file" />
This was functional some times ago, however now, in version 2.9.5 (not sure since which version this happened), this will open just images browser. I I check the generated code data url seems to be generated correctly with mediatype=files

However if I check network panel in chrome, the real URL called is with mediatype=images

Is there anything I need to change in my XML, or is this a bug? thank you in advance Pavel

This is working in my tests.

Does this happen in the admin as well as the front-end?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

The form is only in admin, not in frontend.

Hi Ryan, I tried to prepare some example for you, and seems I found reason - the field is used within subform like this

    <fieldset name="attachments" label="Attachments">
      <field name="atachments" type="subform" multiple="true" layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable-table" label="Attachments">
          <field name="title" type="text" label="Title" />
          <field name="filename" type="mediajce" mediatype="files" label="Filename" />
if used standalone

    <fieldset name="attachments" label="Attachments">
      <field name="test" type="mediajce" mediatype="files" label="Test" />
It works fine, but in subform it is not working correctly. Pavel

Hi Ryan, I made further investigation, and the issue was introduced in 2.9.4. Specifically in JS file /plugins/system/jce/js/media.js. If I copy this file from 2.9.3 over 2.9.5, selection works properly. There is new function introduced in this file, "updateMediaUrl" targeting subforms. In my case, it changes working data-uri

with simplified one

This causes parameter mediatype to diseappear, so only images are displayed. Pavel

Please try JCE Pro 2.9.6 RC -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Works like a charm. 🙂

Thank you very much


I still have this issue, in the network inspector I see that the 'files' (nor media) is not transferred correctly to the mediatype parameter. Instead I see mediatype=undefined in the request that gets the files from a certain directory. I use 2.9.6 pro and cleared browser cache (to get the right media.js which seems to be the culprit).

Edit: I installed 2.9.7 beta 7 and it works now.