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#112277 Mediabox Parameter List

Posted in ‘Mediabox’
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Latest post by vicforestheritage on Tuesday, 15 November 2022 00:50 GMT


We are in the early stages of migrating from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4, and going through the process of determining the compatibility of the various extensions we currently use. We use Rockettheme Gantry 5 and the Callisto template.

An issue we had three or so years ago was a conflict with JCE MediaBox and Callisto sub-sub-menus, and so we were not using it, but it now appears that this is no longer the case. We have been using Lightcase for popups, and although supported by Rockettheme in their Joomla 4 compatible templates, hard coding is tedious and there is no longer any support from the original author. As such I am keen to use MediaBox instead as the JCE Editor allows the setting of parameters.

A bit long-winded but my question:

Is there a list of the parameters that can be added through the JCE Editor – it would be handy to know what they are and their type? I did look at the configuration page on your website but it does not give the actual parameter names and their default values.

It would also be very handy if the list could be provided as a drop-down selection in the parameters section.



Is there a list of the parameters that can be added through the JCE Editor – it would be handy to know what they are and their type? I did look at the configuration page on your website but it does not give the actual parameter names and their default values.

It would also be very handy if the list could be provided as a drop-down selection in the parameters section.

If you create the MediaBox link using the Link dialog or Image Manager Extended, you can set the parameters by filling in the relevant fields in the Popups tab.

Do you rather want to create the link manually?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi Ryan

I have been using the Link dialog but it does not show what parameters can be set. I am interested to know what are the other options such as how to set the fade-in speed, and resizing overrides. I have attached an image of what shows on my screen where I have added a new parameter but there is no drop-down list of what options are available. I am happy to manually create the link if I know what the parameters are - I hope this makes sense.




The Parameters option in the dialog is mostly for setting parameters for the media item, eg: autoplay for the

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi Ryan

Thanks for your response and explanation. I had presumed that all options could be set in the link, as is the case for say setting width and height. We have been using Lightcase where parameter options can be set in the link and made a similar assumption with Mediabox! I will have a look at the CSS options.

