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#112777 JCE Mediabox affecting page load

Posted in ‘Mediabox’
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Latest post by Ryan on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 09:48 GMT

umbrellaumbrella is reporting JCE Mediabox and JCE are an issue causing "render blocking" on all my sites.

The client's SEO company is complaining this is affecting our Google speed rank and thereby our page rank.

Any ideas?


Neither of the files listed are very large, so they shouldn't take long to load, and shouldn't really affect load time that much.

The second file - content.css - is optional and is only required if you are using the JCE Pro Columns tool in your content. You can disable the loading of this file in the System - JCE plugin parameters.

The first file - jcemediabox.min.css - is required by MediaBox.

I ran the same test on yhe JCE site, which loads both those files (amongst others) and I got a significantly better result than you - - which is I suspect because I am using Cloudflare on the site, which applies additional caching and compression to the site.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.