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#116180 Mediabox do not work with the new T4-Framework from JoomlaArt

Posted in ‘Mediabox’
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Latest post by IDD-NET.DE on Thursday, 15 February 2024 12:37 GMT

Since Update T-4 Framework from JoomlArt from Version 2.3.7 auf 2.3.8 is the Mediabox not working properly.

Sometimes the set columns are destroyed, but this can be remedied by moving the order of the JCE module when loading.

What no longer works, however, is the pop-up for enlarging the photos.

JoomlaArt is on the case, trying to find the error, but the guys there find nothing.

Therefore our attempt with you, whether you already know something of the thing, or can help further, why both components can no longer work together?

You can test it on this page:

Thanks a lot!

cu ... Ossi D.

The issue is caused by the T4 Framework CSS & JS Optimization settings. You either need to disable these, or add the JCE MediaBox css and js files as exclusions in the framework settings, eg:

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thanks for quick reply! You are my hero!


It works!

cu....Ossi D.