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#113236 Cool feature request

Posted in ‘Suggestions & Feature Requests’
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Latest post by stof on Thursday, 20 April 2023 14:03 BST

Images is always a thing in Joomla. Images are the most difficult thing for customers.

Wouldn't it be great if JCE could detect in which category the article is put in.
And that you can set different image sizes for the intro and full image of different categories.
On upload the image is resized accordingly.

This would be great feature.. 😃

I am looking into the possibility of including Category as an option for Profiles Setup in a future update.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.


Thanks for your reply!
I don't see exactly what you mean with this but I will find it out in one of the next updates when you really implement it.

Can what I envision be done with it?