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#114074 webp image caching

Posted in ‘Suggestions & Feature Requests’
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Latest post by Ryan on Tuesday, 04 July 2023 13:28 BST

Hello Ryan,
any way you could create a JCE plugin, which creates webp files and caches them on the fly - for inline image content?
Ideally, the plugin would catch any JPG & PNG images (in the frontend) and cache them on the fly. Somewhat like wf_responsive_widgets, which also works in the background.
YOOtheme Pro does this for builder pages, but not for images placed in Joomla content using JCE (which many of my clients use).
There is also DJ-Webp, which I have yet to try - but it would make sense to integrate this into JCE.

Thank you

There is also DJ-Webp, which I have yet to try - but it would make sense to integrate this into JCE.

I suggest you try DJ-Webp, as I am unlikely to integrate something like this anytime soon.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

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