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#102020 Columns: Can we set a breakpoint somewhere?

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Latest post by jjonker on Wednesday, 04 December 2019 13:50 GMT

Hi! About the new 'columns' feature: When we have a couple of columns next to each other there is a breakpoint on smaller screens where the columns are stacked below each other. This a excellent for smaller screens. i was just wondering if and where we could edit the breakpoint size for this behaviour? Is there a default breakpoint? And is this a screen width size or the size of the containing div?

There are no options at this time to have columns be a different percentage / fractions? Might be a nice addition to this feature ;-)

i was just wondering if and where we could edit the breakpoint size for this behaviour? Is there a default breakpoint? And is this a screen width size or the size of the containing div?

You can set the Stack Width in the Columns dialog -

There are no options at this time to have columns be a different percentage / fractions? Might be a nice addition to this feature ;-)

At this stage I am trying to keep it relatively simple, so it is easier to use for most users.

You can however select different predefined Layouts in the Columns dialog for column sizing -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Excellent! I actually missed the fact that we can add columns by clicking on the column icon because I just used the little arrow besides the icon. Did the same thing with the link icon.... Only tryed the dropdown arrow and thought: But what if I want to add another kind of link. So kind of stupid ;-) I now realize the dropdown arrow besides the icon is basicalay a shortcut way to add a link or column.

So now I also see the other columns options ;-) Great.
The options for different widths (layout templates) for the columns are great. Sufficient for most users I think.


I now realize the dropdown arrow besides the icon is basicalay a shortcut way to add a link or column.

Check out the new Quick Link and Quick Media drop-downs -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

The video preview in the backend is also excellent. Thanks for that.